The Turkish Wikipedia editor and Wikimedia StewardHakanIST talks with the German Wikipedia editor Sebastian Wallroth at the annual Wikipedia conference Wikimania 2019 in Stockholm, Sweden about his motivation to spend his time for Wikipedia, the blocking of Wikipedia in Turkey and the fight against vandalism in the Japanese Wiktionary.

The Catalan Wikipedia editor Francesc from Valencia and the German Wikipedia editor Sebastian Wallroth from Berlin talk about among other things the Catalan Wikipedia, the Catalan Language, Amical Wikimedia, the Wikipedia:Voice intro project by Pigsonthewing, and the annual Wikipedia conference Wikimania.

Jill Horbacewicz, PT, Ph.D, Chair/Director, Physical Therapy, Associate Professor and Shira Schecter Weiner, PhD, PT, CIE, Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy from School of Health Sciences, Touro College, New York City talked with, Sebastian Wallroth, Wikipedian, Berlin, Germany at WikiConference North America 2018 in Columbus Ohio about the program „Doctor of physical therapy students disseminate health information on Wikipedia“ they did together with Lane Raspberry.

The US-American computational linguist Trey Jones, who works at the Wikimedia Foundation as part of the Search Platform team, and the German Wikipedian Sebastian Wallroth talking at Wikiconference North America 2018 in Columbus, Ohio about weird searches in 300 languages and the physical size of online collaborators.

The Indian Wikipedia editors Rahul Deshmukh and Abhishek Suryawanshi talk with Sebastian Wallroth at the Wikimedia Conference 2018 in Berlin. Offline Wikipedia in Indian languages, the worlds cheapest tablet, multilingualism, the neutral point of view, different views on Wikipedia, and challenges on Wikipedia in India

The Greek Wikimedian Marios Magioladitis (User:Magioladitis) and the German Sebastian Wallroth talk at the Wikimedia Conference 2018 in Berlin about the Greek Wikipedia Community, AutoWikiBrowser, the difference between bigger and smaller Wikipedia communities, the Gender Gap and children and robots.

The Russian-Israeli linguist Amir Aharoni works as Product Manager in the Language Engineering Team of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Amir and Sebastian Wallroth talk about revived languages, the diversity of languages, the primacy of English language in the Wikipedias, the Content translation tool and Compact Language Links.

Sebastian Wallroth talks with Deryck Chan at Wikimania 2017 in Montréal, Canada about Derycks first contact with Wikipedia, the organizing of Wikimania Hong Kong, the Cantonese Wikipedia, Wikidata, how Wikimania saves time, Wiki Meetups in Cambridge, the Wikidata Game, how to bring people to Wikipedia, wikis or Wikipedia at work, and what Deryck would do as King of Wikipedia.